Publishing Price Levels

Publishing price levels for the Upshot Vault follows a similar process as the Upshot Pool, with an important modifications:

  • Sending vaultAddress: The vaultAddress must be included every time you publish a price level. This address is obtained from the "Creating a Vault" step.

Example Message

  "messageType": "priceLevels",
  "message": {
    "data": {
      "baseChain": {
        "chainType": "evm",
        "chainId": 1
      "quoteChain": {
        "chainType": "evm",
        "chainId": 1
      "baseToken": "0xBaseTokenAddress",
      "quoteToken": "0xQuoteTokenAddress",
      "buyLevels": [
          "quantity": "10.0",
          "price": "100.0"
      "sellLevels": [
          "quantity": "5.0",
          "price": "110.0"
      "vaultAddress": "0x"

Last updated